Word For The Season


The season of preparation has concluded, marked by training, observations, diverse experiences, and the refining furnace of affliction. Thanks be to God, we stand resilient by His strength.
As of the beginning of 2023, the Lord communicated an unexpected message about the last leg of the preparation season and provided insights into the focus of the forthcoming season. This revelation, though unusual in timing, was later confirmed through engagement with fellow pastors. We encourage you to prayerfully dig into this resource as you explore areas of alignment and your feedback is most welcome.


The focal point of the message this season’s is the invitation to the banquet, representing the manifestation of the gospel grace.

  1. First to the Houses of the invited, who in response gave excuses. Instruction – Call/Notify them.
  2. Subsequently, the call was broadened to include the poor, maimed, lame, and blind from the streets and lanes of the city. Instruction – Bring them. But there was still room, and the host was determined to fill his house and that nothing was going to be wasted, which he prepared.
  3. The invitation was conferred upon those in the highways and hedges outside the city. Instruction – Compel them.

The urgency of the message lies in the declaration that “All things are now ready.” This is the accepted time, a season of grace inviting prompt acceptance. The gospel mystery is fully revealed, ordinances are instituted, the church is established, and the Holy Spirit was given.

The message emphasizes the inexhaustible riches of Christ, inclusive to all who do not exclude themselves. The benevolent host has established a new social order, erasing all barriers that would normally exclude others. This initiates a community founded on gracious and unconditional hospitality, embodying the inclusive nature of the gospel.

As we embrace this new season, let us heed the call to prayer, live & walk in faith, guard against exchanges, engage with scripture meditating on it daily, and patiently rest in His finished work, embodying the compelling nature of Christ’s invitation to the great banquet.


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