About Us

Our story

Dear Friend
Weare so thankful that our paths have crossed, and we believe it’s a divine encounter. Welcome to The Household of Faith, a family knitted together by the love of God in Christ Jesus.
We consider it a rare privilege to have the opportunity to share the truth of God’s life changing power and grace with you. We work as part of the global church alongside local communities of beleivers laboring collectively in God’s kingdom. To this end we labor to establish the foundation of Christ in people and equipping them for the work of ministry.
We are excited about sharing Jesus, God’s best gift to humanity and we cannot keep Him to ourselves. If you sense by the witness of the Spirit in you that you are aligned with this purpose, pray to God for guidance and you are welcome to reach out through our Partnership page and choose the partnership stream that best suits you.

DNA & Values

Our citizenship is in heaven hence we are not aligned with the customs and traditions of this age and the world around us. We are ambassadors of a kingdom culture, therefore we do not regard anyone according to the flesh, race, language, ethnicity, social status.  Being one with Christ also makes us one with all those that are in Christ.
The world around us does not know or see Jesus but the know and see us therefore we exist to awaken believers to their true identity through community, trainings & true discipleship. The focus is on Being and not Doing. What we do is an outflow of who we are becoming as God transforms us into His very image.

We are not called to be successful nor to achieve great things for God but rather for us obedience is success therefore we seek to obey and be effective witnesses no matter the circumstances and not asking for the freedom, comfort and convenience thereof.

Local church leaders

Every assignment has a custodian who also raise more custodians. Here are some of the people connected and serving in different localities.

I am ready to ignite a fire in my community?

Frequently Asked Questions

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