Rooted, Grounded & Knitted together in love

We are citizens of God’s Kingdom and our assignment is to promote Kingdom Culture, producing a citizenry of people who express the King’s desires and reflect His nature.


These 5 pillars sum up our family DNA, keeps the house standing and informs every aspect of our existence.

By God’s design church is a community of love. There are different kinds of love and here we are talking about the love of God. This love what makes everything work, it is eternal and never ends. Its deeper than friendship and nothing in this world or the world to come can separate us from that love (Rom 8:38-39). God is love personified (1 John 4:7-11)

God’s love is the first love and because He loved us, we can also love one another with the same love. His love has been shed abroad in our hearts. In the Household of Faith, we are knitted together in God’s love. Love is the bond of perfection (Col 3:14). This is what binds us together in perfect harmony and it is our notable testimony to the world that indeed we are the disciples of Jesus Christ, the children of God. (John 13:35)

Our fellowship is two fold – with God and with one another.
Fellowship with God is wonderful and its not restricted to time, spaces and programs, its continuous, but the essence of gathering as a church is fellowship with one another. (1 John 1:7)
At salvation we were called into Christ and “in Christ” we were introduced to a community of faith where we are gathered together will our brothers and sisters. We believe that “in Christ” is not a lonely realm but a community of the saints.  Fellowship gives us an opportunity to serve one another, to give and receive from the body and also build kingdom relationships.

Everything comes from God through people to people and fellowship enables sharing and caring among the brethren and loving one another deeply to share our joys and even our pains.

We are single minded about Jesus Christ. We look unto Him, the author and finisher of our faith. He is at the centre of all that we have become, all we do and represent.
We function from a state of rest, resting on His finished work. We are certain, assured and firmly persuaded of the person of Christ, the solid rock on which we stand and not curious to know nothing beyond Christ. The conviction we share in the Household of Faith is that Christianity is not moving, progressing, changing and adapting to culture. We choose to limit ourselves to the boundary and jurisdiction of our assignment which is to establish the foundation of Christ and allow others to build on it, we plant and others water, but God gives growth and increase.

It is risky and even irresponsible to arm a man who is not trained. It takes training to triumph. We believe that the church is God’s strategy for kingdom advancement and that the local church is at the centre of God’s plan to reach the world with the good news. (Eph 3:10)
However, we have discovered that many existing churches are mostly confined to one layer of society hence there are many people groups that are not being touched by any church. Therefore, today we need churches not only in different geographical areas but also social levels. Some people want to remain in their social level therefore as The Household of faith we train and equip such people to be the church in their locality and become super spreaders of the knowledge and influence of Christ.
Carl F.H Henry once said, “The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time”. The local church is constantly in touch with the local community in which it exists therefore we aim to empower and multiply local organic churches. We are not merely on a church planting mission, but churches emerge from the seed of God’s mission.

We believe in the power of partnership and that our collective can be greater when we join together in purposeful relationships. Together we can equip more believers an reach more people with he gospel.

We therefore welcome and cultivate relationships focused on building and expanding God’s kingdom. There are multiple avenues through which individuals, organisations and churches can partner with us. Currently these primarily include:

  • Prayer – Pray for us as the Spirit leads you and also pray with us. Check out our prayer page for more details.
  • Plant – Partner by planting an organic and sustainable church. Ignite a community fire from your house and be the church in your locality.
  • Give – Give of your substance and financial resources to cater for our various needs.

Check out our Partnership page for more information.


Many existing churches are mostly confined to one layer of society hence there are many people groups that are not being touched by any church. Therefore, today we need churches not only in different geographical areas but also social levels.

Existing Churches
Is your existing church aligned with the mission and values of The Global Household of Faith? Are you seeking a platform that can empower your congregation and enhance your ministry. We invite you to join us and become part of a network dedicated to strengthening local churches.

New Churches
Are you passionate about planting local and organic churches in your community? Do you believe in the importance of aligning with God’s idea and design for ministry? The Global Household of Faith welcomes you with open arms and an unwavering commitment to support this assignment.

Galatians 6:9-10

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of The Household of Faith.

Featured Resources

Download  these and more free materials from our library resource page to get you started in The Household of Faith and understand our family DNA.

Rediscovering God's Idea & design for the Church

Kingdom Culture

Weaned From Placeholders

The Simplicity In Christ

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1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, …

Luke 19:10 (KJV)For the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

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One table for all

The riches of Christ are unsearchable and inexhaustible; there is in him enough for all, and enough for each; and the gospel excludes none that do not exclude themselves.
God who is our benevolent host and master of the great banquette in Luke 14:16-24 has created an entirely new social order. He has prepared table of fellowship, erased all barriers and initiated a new community grounded in gracious and unconditional hospitality. We have been commissioned to go the streets, lanes, highways and hedges and bring in all manner of people that the house of God may be filled. The table is set, all things are ready and nothing will be wasted. Will you go with us?